Results for 'James P. Warren et'

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    Revue des Revues.Marie-Claude Rousseau & James P. Warren et - 1978 - Moreana 15 (3):83-91.
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    Editorial Letter.James P. Warren - 1978 - Moreana 15 (2):1-4.
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    Bristol Molly: Sexuality, Power, Silence.James P. Warren - 1989 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 1 (1):21-25.
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    (2 other versions)Revue des Revues.James P. Warren - 1977 - Moreana 14 (2):104-110.
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    On series of ordinals and combinatorics.James P. Jones, Hilbert Levitz & Warren D. Nichols - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):121-133.
    This paper deals mainly with generalizations of results in finitary combinatorics to infinite ordinals. It is well-known that for finite ordinals ∑bT<αβ is the number of 2-element subsets of an α-element set. It is shown here that for any well-ordered set of arbitrary infinite order type α, ∑bT<αβ is the ordinal of the set M of 2-element subsets, where M is ordered in some natural way. The result is then extended to evaluating the ordinal of the set of all n-element (...)
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    Christian Humanism and the Reformation : Selected Writings of Eramus, edited by John C. Olin. New York ; Fordham University Press, Revised Edition 1975, 202 pages. [REVIEW]James P. Warren - 1977 - Moreana 14 (2):101-103.
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    Poetry and Prophecy : Reflections on the Word, by Mario A. Di Cesare, published for the Friends of the Amherst College Library, 1977. [REVIEW]James P. Warren - 1978 - Moreana 15 (1):24-24.
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    Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debate.Warren Farrell & James P. Sterba - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    Does feminism give a much-needed voice to women in a patriarchal world? Or is the world not really patriarchal? Has feminism begun to level the playing field in a world in which women are more often paid less at work and abused at home? Or are women paid equally for the same work and not abused more at home? Does feminism support equality in education and in the military, or does it discriminate against men by ignoring such issues as male-only (...)
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    On the possibility of grounding a defense of ecofeminist philosophy.James P. Sterba - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (2):27-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 7.2 (2002) 27-38 [Access article in PDF] On the Possibility of Grounding a Defense of Ecofeminist Philosophy James P. Sterba It is a pleasure to comment on Karen Warren's excellent book. 1 The book is a treasure trove of discussions in ecofeminist philosophy that I am sure people will be drawing upon for years to come. In the introduction to the book, (...) says that her main goal is to present and defend a particular version of ecofeminist philosophy (xiii). In my brief comments, I want to consider how Warren understands that defense, consider how strong it is, and consider further how one might add to it to make it even stronger.As I was trying to figure out how best to understand Warren's defense of ecofeminist philosophy, I kept being reminded of Warren's conception of philosophy as quiltmaking. 2 According to this conception, in philosophizing we bring together a wide array of ideas like patches with some prima facie constraining conditions, and we don't quite know what will emerge until we put all the ideas or patches together. Well, I sort of felt that way about Warren's various remarks throughout the book on how she understands herself to be defending a particular version of ecofeminist philosophy. They were like various patches that needed to be brought together to illuminate her defense. Moreover, according to Warren's conception of philosophy as quiltmaking, we will sometimes need to repair or replace certain ideas or patches in our philosophical quilt patches that we [End Page 27] have come to recognize do not fit well with the rest of the quilt. Similarly, when I was trying to bring together Warren's various remarks on how she was defending a particular version of ecofeminist philosophy; some of her remarks did not seem to fit well with her overall purpose of defending ecofeminist philosophy. These remarks did not seem to belong to her own ecofeminist philosophy quilt, or at least they needed to be repaired to make a better fit. But, of course, this is just what one would expect given Warren's quiltmaking conception of doing philosophy; repairing and replacing patches in one's philosophical quilt is business as usual according to Warren's preferred way of doing philosophy. Or, as Warren herself puts it, correcting such mistakes is "simply a lovely and welcome part of the process of theorizing" (102).As her book makes abundantly clear, Warren is against both the domination of women and the domination of nature. Early in the book, she considers how we might defend her perspective against someone who was against the domination of women but not against the domination of nature, presumably because the person did not think that nonhuman nature deserved moral consideration (57). Warren's defense here is to appeal to the very definition of environmental ethics. Warren distinguishes environmental ethics, an ethics of the environment, from an ethics concerning the environment. An environmental ethics, by definition, Warren tells us, takes nonhuman nature to deserve moral consideration whereas an ethics concerning the environment does not. So for those committed to an environmental ethics, so defined, it is not an open question whether to be against the domination of nonhuman nature, or, presumably, the domination of women. They must be against both forms of domination. Now while this part of Warren's defense of ecofeminist philosophy does work to some extent, it is worth noting how close the premises are to the desired conclusion. The defense is directed at those who regard both women and nonhuman nature as deserving moral consideration. The conclusion that is drawn is that those same individuals should be against both the domination of women and against the domination of nonhuman nature.Later in the book, in another related philosophical patch, Warren considers whether she can provide an argument in defense of the moral considerability of nonhuman nature, and she claims that she cannot (74-76). This is because, she claims, the moral considerability of nonhuman nature is groundless.Here Warren compares her view... (shrink)
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    Pericles in the twentieth century - J.A. Dabdab trabulsi le présent dans le passé. Autour de quelques périclès du XX E siècle et de la possibilité d'une vérité en histoire. Pp. 219. Besançon: Presses universitaires de franche-comté, 2011. Paper, €21. Isbn: 978-2-84867-317-2. [REVIEW]James P. Sickinger - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):269-271.
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    The Varieties of Liberty.James P. Sterba - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:588-593.
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    La Lokapaññatti et les Idées cosmologiques du Bouddhisme ancienLa Lokapannatti et les Idees cosmologiques du Bouddhisme ancien.James P. McDermott & Eugene Denis - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):56.
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    Le Sihaḷavatthuppakaraṇa: Texte Pāli et TraductionLe Sihalavatthuppakarana: Texte Pali et Traduction.James P. McDermott & Jacqueline ver Eecke - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (2):442.
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    Aquinas on the Soul.James P. Bledsoe - 1973 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 29 (3):273.
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    Cato’ s integritas.James Warren - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:9-37.
    Caton d’Utique est parfois présenté comme un exemple d’agent moral ayant toujours agi avec honnêteté. Il refuse tout compromis moral. J’analyse ici comment les auteurs antiques présentent cette honnêteté comme une forme d’inaptitude, plus précisément une inaptitude à envisager toute action injuste, et comment cela est présenté comme une forme d’obstination et d’échec empêchant d’interagir avec les gens tels qu’ils sont réellement. Je compare ces anciennes représentations et ces jugements sur Caton avec le traitement des « saints moraux » par (...)
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    Damascius on Aristotle and Theophrastus on Plato on false pleasure.James Warren - 2018 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 1:105-129.
    Dans son Commentaire sur le Philèbe de Platon, § 167-168, Damascius rapporte une série d’objections à la thèse fameuse de Socrate dans le Philèbe selon laquelle il existe des « plaisirs faux ». Ces objections furent formulées par Théophraste, l’élève d’Aristote, peut-être dans son livre en un volume Sur les plaisirs faux (DL 5.56). Dans cet article, je montre d’abord comment les critiques de Théophraste recourent aux ouvrages d’Aristote, et notamment à son analyse des différents types de fausseté en Métaphysique (...)
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    Epicurus on the false belief that sense-impressions conflict.James Warren - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:7-28.
    Selon les épicuriens, toutes les impressions des sens sont vraies et la raison trouve en elles son fondement. Nombreux sont ceux, cependant, qui croient que les impressions des sens ne sont pas toutes vraies. Les épicuriens expliquent cette croyance de la façon suivante : la source de cette erreur est souvent la croyance que les impressions des sens peuvent se contredire. Mais cette dernière croyance résulte souvent de ce que les épicuriens tiennent pour notre tendance naturelle, et fréquemment utile, à (...)
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    (1 other version)Établir la qualité des preuves pour les situations de décision complexes et controversées.Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs, Arthur C. Petersen, Peter H. M. Janssen, James S. Risbey & Jerome R. Ravetz - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Les décisions politiques sur les risques environnementaux complexes font fréquemment intervenir des éléments scientifiques contestés. Il n’y a généralement pas de « faits » qui conduisent à une politique correcte unique. Les éléments de preuve qui sont intégrés dans les avis scientifiques destinés à une décision politique nécessitent une évaluation de leur qualité. En 2003, l’Agence néerlandaise d’évaluation environnementale a adopté une méthode standardisée, désignée sous le nom de « guide », dans le cadre de laquelle les principaux aspects de (...)
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    Encountering Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Anthropological Reflections.Matthew J. Gaudet, Paul Scherz, Noreen Herzfeld, Jordan Joseph Wales, Nathan Colaner, Jeremiah Coogan, Mariele Courtois, Brian Cutter, David E. DeCosse, Justin Charles Gable, Brian Green, James Kintz, Cory Andrew Labrecque, Catherine Moon, Anselm Ramelow, John P. Slattery, Ana Margarita Vega, Luis G. Vera, Andrea Vicini & Warren von Eschenbach - 2023 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press.
    What does it mean to consider the world of AI through a Christian lens? Rapid developments in AI continue to reshape society, raising new ethical questions and challenging our understanding of the human person. Encountering Artificial Intelligence draws on Pope Francis’ discussion of a culture of encounter and broader themes in Catholic social thought in order to examine how current AI applications affect human relationships in various social spheres and offers concrete recommendations for better implementation. The document also explores questions (...)
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  20. Review: Le jardin romain. Epicurisme et poesie a Rome. Melanges offerts a Mayotte Bollack. [REVIEW]James Warren - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (1):116-118.
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    Aristotle and Modern Historical Criticism.James M. P. Lowry - 1980 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 36 (1):17-27.
    This article is a systematic consideration of aristotle's position vis-a-vis modern tendencies to judge all philosophical positions as historically conditioned. the argument shows that aristotle's position is not only not reducible to historical temporality but is transcendent of it. the article, which contains original translations of key passages in the metaphysics and physics and refers to the de anima, topica, poetics, nicomachean ethics, rhetorica, and history of animals, points to the author's own systematic philosophy entitled mentaphysics (chiron, 1978). particular stress (...)
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  22. Epicureans and Cyrenaics on pleasure as a pathos.James Warren - 2013 - In Stéphane Marchand & Francesco Verde (eds.), Épicurisme Et Scepticisme. Roma: Università la Sapienza. pp. 127-44.
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    The Ends of the Divine: David Bentley Hart and Jordan Daniel Wood on Grace.O. P. James Dominic Rooney - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):811-840.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ends of the Divine:David Bentley Hart and Jordan Daniel Wood on GraceJames Dominic Rooney O.P.David Bentley Hart and Jordan Daniel Wood stand alongside some modern theologians in their diagnosis that there is a problem in an overly transcendent account of the divine nature. If God were unable to be affected by what happens in the world, many think, then God cannot really be responsive to or care about (...)
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    From Báñez with Love: A Response to a Response by Taylor Patrick O'Neill.O. P. James Dominic Rooney - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):675-692.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Báñez with Love:A Response to a Response by Taylor Patrick O'NeillJames Dominic Rooney O.P.From where I stand, the traditional options of Molinism and Báñezianism seem logically exhaustive possible accounts of the way in which God can cause people to love him, under the influence of grace, while at the same time being able to affirm that those people remain free. Either God's giving efficacious grace to an individual (...)
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    Integralism and Justice for All.O. P. James Dominic Rooney - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):1059-1087.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Integralism and Justice for AllJames Dominic Rooney O.P.Catholic integralism has received a lot of attention recently, promoted by pundits and scholars alike.1 Much ink has been spilled in scholarly venues discussing historical evidence marshaled by defenders of integralism who argue that the Catholic Church has rights to the coercive power of the state in service of its religious mission, notably Thomas Pink.2 My interest in this piece is different. (...)
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    A one-system theory that is not propositional.James E. Witnauer, Gonzalo P. Urcelay & Ralph R. Miller - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):228-229.
    We argue that the propositional and link-based approaches to human contingency learning represent different levels of analysis because propositional reasoning requires a basis, which is plausibly provided by a link-based architecture. Moreover, in their attempt to compare two general classes of models (link-based and propositional), Mitchell et al. refer to only two generic models and ignore the large variety of different models within each class.
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    Russian Philosophy. Edité par James M. Edie, James P. Scanlon et Mary Barbara Zeldin; avec la collaboration de George L. Kline. [REVIEW]André Vachet - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (3):470-473.
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  28. Inquiries into Medieval Philosophy.Francis P. Clarke & James F. Ross - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (2):219-220.
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    James McCearney, Maurras et son temps. Paris, Albin Michel, 1977. 13 × 21, 295 p.Pierre Huard - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (95-96):515-520.
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    Leibniz et Spinoza.James Daniel Collins - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):110-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:110 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY analogo, e che l"'analogia entis" constituisce nello spinozismo ancora uno dei principali presupposti della metafisica, sebbene il termine "analogia" non sia quasi mai usato da Spinoza. Non costituisce obiezione il fatto che per Spinoza non c'~ altro ente reale che l'ente necessario. Si ~ veduto, e meglio si vedr~tnel seguito, chela necessit~ spettante a Dio non puo essere confusa in nessun modo con quella che (...)
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    La nature de l'opinion publique : Extrait de La République américaine, Paris, V. Giard et E. Brière, édition française, 1901, tome III, p. 329-339. [REVIEW]James Bryce - 2001 - Hermes 31:31.
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    M. P. Duminil : Hippocrate. Tome VIII. Plaies, Nature des Os, Coeur, Anatomie. Texte établi et traduit . Pp. 296. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1998. Cased. ISBN: 2-251-00468-8. [REVIEW]James Longrigg - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):386-387.
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    Ancient botany S. amigues: ÉtuDes de botanique antique . Preface by P. quézel.(Mémoires de l'académie Des inscriptions et belles-lettres 25.) pp. XV + 501, ills. Paris: Diusion de boccard, 2002. Paper, €140. Isbn: 2-87754-130-. [REVIEW]Peter Warren - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):534-.
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    Vers une démocratie délibérative : L'expérimentation d'un idéal : Extrait de Citizen competence and democratic institutions, sous la direction de Stephen L. Elkin et de Karol Edward Soltan, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999, chapitre XII, p. 279-290. [REVIEW]James S. Fishkin & Dominique Reynie - 2001 - Hermes 31:207.
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    Le gouvernement par l'opinion publique : Extrait de La République américaine, Paris, V. Giard et E. Brière, édition française, 1901, tome III, p. 340-349. [REVIEW]James Bryce - 2001 - Hermes 31:159.
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    Good and Bad Ways to Think about Religion and Politics by Robert Benne, and: The Way of Peace: Christian Life in the Face of Discord by James M. Childs Jr.Bruce P. Rittenhouse - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):195-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Good and Bad Ways to Think about Religion and Politics by Robert Benne, and: The Way of Peace: Christian Life in the Face of Discord by James M. Childs Jr.Bruce P. RittenhouseGood and Bad Ways to Think about Religion and Politics Robert Benne Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010. 127 pp. $14.00The Way of Peace: Christian Life in the Face of Discord James M. Childs Jr. Minneapolis: (...)
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    Intelligo ut Credam: St. Augustine’s Confessions.James Lehrberger - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):23-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTELLIGO UT CREDAM: ST. AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS* BAPTISM INTO the Catholic Church ended Augustine's Odyssey through the intellectual and spiritual seas of late antiquity. His Confessi.ons tells us how he joined the Manicheans, became attached to astrology, imbibed Aristotle, was attracted to the Academy, learned Epicureanism, discovered the Platonists, and finally came home to Christianity.1 From the first moment he read Cicero, then, Augustine became a seeker of wisdom; few (...)
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  38. Making peace in gestational conflicts.James Lindemann Nelson - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (4).
    Mary Anne Warren's claim that there is room for only one person with full and equal rights inside a single human skin ([1], p. 63) calls attention to the vast range of moral conflict engendered by assigning full basic moral rights to fetuses. Thereby, it serves as a goad to thinking about conflicts between pregnant women and their fetuses in a way that emphasizes relationships rather than rights. I sketch out what a care orientation might suggest about resolving gestational (...)
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    Ricoeur, Lonergan, and the Intelligibility of Cosmic Time.James R. Pambrun - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):471-498.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RICOEUR, WNERGAN, AND THE 1 INTELLIGIBILITY OF COSM.lC TIME JAMES R. PAMBRUN Bt. Paul University Ottawa, Oanada Introduot:Wn HE QUESTION OF TIME ihas entered into the work f ·every major philosopher s1ince Aristotle. As Heidegger (who is 1fond oif il'eco·vering these forgotten questions) has shown, time is not merely an ar.bitrary WJay of reckoning or calculating the fleeting moments of day-to-day life; rather, it is an exipressrion of (...)
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    Aquinas as a Commentator on De Anima 3.5.James Th Martin - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):621-640.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS AS A COMMENTATOR ON DE ANIMA 3.5 JAMES T. H. MARTIN St. John's University Jamaica, New York DOES ST. THOMAS AQUINAS in his commentary on De Anima 3.5 provide an acceptable gloss on Aristotle 's cryptic remarks about active mind? That is, can one accept.that what Aquinas says about active mind is what Aristotle meant but for some reason did not say? Many modern commentators, among them (...)
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    Afterword to the Polish Edition of Thomistic Evolution : A Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., James Brent, O.P., Thomas Davenport, O.P., and John Baptist Ku, O.P. [REVIEW]O. P. Mariusz Tabaczek & Monika Metlerska-Colerick - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):225-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Afterword to the Polish Edition of Thomistic EvolutionA Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., James Brent, O.P., Thomas Davenport, O.P., and John Baptist Ku, O.P.*Mariusz Tabaczek O.P.Translated by Monika Metlerska-Colerick[End Page 225]Thomistic Evolution: A Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith, by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., James Brent, O.P., Thomas Davenport, O.P., and (...)
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    The question of being in Husserl's Logical investigations.James R. Mensch - 1981 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston. Edited by Edmund Husserl.
    This study proposes a double thesis. The first concerns the Logische Untersuchungen itself. We will attempt to show that its statements about the nature of being are inconsistent and that this inconsis tency is responsible for the failure of this work. The second con cerns the Logische Untersuchungen's relation to the Ideen. The latter, we propose, is a response to the failure of the Logische Untersuchungen's ontology. It can thus be understood in terms of a shift in the ontology of (...)
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  43. American Fiction, 1920-1940.Joseph Warren Beach - 1941 - Macmillan.
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    Wayne M. Martin, Idealism and Objectivity : Understanding Fichte's Jena Project. Stanford, California, Stanford University Press, 1997, xx-177 p.Wayne M. Martin, Idealism and Objectivity : Understanding Fichte's Jena Project. Stanford, California, Stanford University Press, 1997, xx-177 p. [REVIEW]James Thomas - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (2):390-391.
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    Bartholomaeus Anglicus On the Properties of Soul and Body: De proprietatibus rerum libri III et IV. Edited by R. James Long. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1982 - Modern Schoolman 59 (2):147-148.
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    The Evolving Taxonomy of Progressive Creation.James R. Hofmann - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):199-214.
    This essay is a critique of a version of progressive creation developed by Michael Chaberek, O. P. He holds that there are exceptions to evolutionary descent due to the supernatural production of “natural species,” taxa that allegedly do not have biological ancestry, are theologically identified with biblical kinds, and are metaphysically characterized by distinct substantial forms. Chaberek’s assertion that these natural species correspond “roughly” to the Linnaean taxa of biological families contradicts modern scientific conclusions regarding the continuity of evolutionary descent. (...)
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    Religion, Psychiatry, and "Radical" Epistemic Injustices.Rosa Ritunnano & Ian James Kidd - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (3):235-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion, Psychiatry, and “Radical” Epistemic InjusticesRosa Ritunnano, MD (bio) and Ian James Kidd, PhD (bio)Hermeneutical injustice as a concept has evolved since its original formulation by Miranda Fricker (2007). The concept has been taken up in psychiatry, with its moral, epistemic and clinical premium on the interpretation of extremely complex and difficult experiences (Kidd et al., 2022). There are many varieties of hermeneutical injustice with different forms, sources, (...)
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    Challenges for a revised view of Bentham on public reasoning.James Shafe - 2014 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 13.
    Selon une lecture classique, la théorie benthamienne de la démocratie est fondée sur le principe du principe selon lequel l’agrégation des suffrages individuels reflète l’intérêt public. C’est pourquoi les commentateurs ont en général porté leur attention sur la façon dont le vote réalise l’agrégation des intérêts individuels plutôt que sur les délibérations publiques qui précèdent le vote. Récemment, Peter Niesen et Oren Ben-Dor ont pourtant étudié les processus de délibération collective chez Bentham. Cet article pointe des difficultés avec ces deux (...)
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    (1 other version)The Peculiarly Favored Condition of Genetics.James J. Lee & Damien Morris - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):441-445.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Peculiarly Favored Condition of GeneticsJames J. Lee, PhD (bio) and Damien Morris, MSc (bio)Turkheimer and Greer (2024) (henceforth “T&G”) make some fair points about problems in the scientific profession, including the regrettable tendency to promise practical applications of research that then never materialize. However, T&G’s sustained critique of a body of work associated with one particular researcher to make these general points struck us as uncharitable. More pressingly, (...)
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    Thomistic Hylomorphism and Theistic Evolution.James R. Hofmann - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (2):253-267.
    Working within the framework of Thomistic metaphysics, Mariusz Tabaczek O. P. has developed a version of Catholic theistic evolution that includes speciation, human origins, and the origin of life. He assigns biological evolution to the domain of divine governance rather than that of _creatio ex nihilo_ which only applies to primitive matter and human souls. This article reviews Tabaczek’s work with an emphasis on his argument for the compatibility of hylomorphism and evolutionary change through the eduction of novel substantial forms.
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